Friday, February 11, 2011

Apple Zeppole/Fried Dough Balls

Sebelum ni K.Nor pernah buat Donut Kentang Gert, Donut Kentang Lela dan juga buat Donut Keledek, resipi yg diedit dr Donut Kentang Ros. Semua donut yg dicampurkan dgn kentang menghasilkan donut yg sangat lembut dan sedap. Kali ni K.Nor tak guna kentang atau keledek dlm donut tp.......... nak tau apa? Mesti la apple hijau. Kan kat tajuk tu ada perkataan Apple :)

Dah setahun lamanya peram resipi dr Gert ni. Betul tau, 2 Feb 2010 dulu copy dr rumah Gert. Punya la lama duk peram sib baik tak expired hehe.. Akhirnya sampai gak hajat nak buat donut apple yg diberi nama Apple Zeppole. Bahan2nya lebih kurang cam Kuih Belimbing atau Churos yg pernah K.Nor buat dulu. Cuma ditambah apple hijau yg disagat. K.Nor sagat direct tanpa buang kulit apple hijau tu. Bila makan Apple Zeppole ni...ermmmmm dgn rasa masam2 manis tu.. manyak shedap!!! Jom la acu cuba try test buat Apple Zeppole yg sedap ni.

Gert, spt biasa mintak izin ya nak C&P resipi tu kat sini pulak.. Hopefully Gert masuk sini dan baca.. (nanti nak tag dia kat fb hehe)

source : K.Nor@SecubitGaram

½ stick/4 tbsp of butter
1 cup water
3 tbsp sugar
½ tsp salt
1 cup flour
3 eggs
1 green apple – grated and squeeze out water

Toss together:

4 tbsp of sugar + 1 tsp of cinnamon powder

1. In a medium size saucepan combine the butter, salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar, and water over medium heat. Bring to a boil. Take saucepan off the heat and stir in the flour. Return saucepan to the heat and stir continuously until mixture forms a ball, about 3 to 5 minutes.
2. Transfer the flour mixture to the mixer. Whisk the dough for a minute to cool it down a bit. Add eggs, 1 at a time, incorporating each egg completely before adding the next one. . Beat until smooth. Add in the apple. Mix well and set it aside.
3. Pour enough oil into a frying pan. Heat the oil over medium heat. Using a small ice-cream scooper or 2 small spoons, carefully drop about a tablespoon of the dough into oil. Turn the balls once or twice and fry until golden brown. Removed and drain the oil on paper towel.
4. Toss the Zeppole in the cinnamon sugar. Serve immediately.