Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Puding Cendol

Puding Cendol, resipi yg dikongsikan oleh Ayu Safieza yg duk di Dungun. Mudah aje penyediaannya dan rasa pun sedap, cam ala2 sirap bandung bercendol gitu hehe.. Tapi kan Ayu, cendol akak ni mendap ler, tak nak duk rata kat tengah2 puding.. Tu pun dah tuang dlm bekas masa suam2 panas. Tak per la kan, cantik gak duk gitu.. hehehe ayat penyedap rasa :)

Thanks Ayu for sharing resipi yg simple gini. Puding ni mmg sesuai kalau nak buat utk majlis kecil2. Ayu, K.Nor paste kat sini ya resipi Puding Cendol mak ayu ni ya.. Tq  copy direct jer ni, males nak translate ......  :)

AGAR2 CENDOL by Ayu Sofieza

1 pack besar agar2 kering ( I guess 30-32gm per pack)
1 1/2 cups of sugar (she always reduce this to 1 cup only, kami tak prefer manis sgt when it comes to agar2 ni...:))
2 helai daun pandan
2 cups of coconut milk
8 cups of water
1 cup of cendol (tos kan air) ~ k.nor letak 2 cawan

1. Boil 8 cups of water with daun pandan and the jelly string tu (no 1)....
2. Add in sugar to dissolve
3. Add in coconut milk and stir slowly to boil
4. Putt off flame and add cendol in
5. Put color, which ever u like, red or yellow do great....