Sunday, August 22, 2010

Nasi Ayam Goreng

Kali ni buat complete dgn sos pedas utk Nasi Ayam Goreng ni. Dan seperti biasa tak ketinggalan kuah sup (Sup Cendawan) juga dibuat. Utk resipi Nasi Ayam Goreng yg dah berulang kali K.Nor buat ni boleh tengok kat sini. Hari ni nak share resipi Sos Pedasnya aje yg belum K.Nor letak sebelum ni. Minta izin ya tuan punya resipi asal, K.Nor nak letak resipi tu kat sini pulak. Sori la.. dah tak ingat kat blog mana amik resipi tu aritu.. Sbb dah lama save kat list of post tp lupa pulak nak copy linknya sekali..

Sos Pedas
2 green chilies
5 cm knob of ginger
3 stalks of coriander
3 spring onion
1/3 cup of castor sugar1/3 cup of white vinegar
salt to taste
1 tbs of water

Chop all the herbs and aromatics finely and set aside. Place sugar and water in a bowl and microwave for a minute, add in the vinegar. Add chopped ingredients into the sugar and vinegar mixture, check for seasonings.